Vedic Science is the science and technology of consciousness. It is both ancient and modern. Veda means knowledge, and Vedic Science is the science of knowledge, self-referral knowledge, the knowledge of consciousness, and the knowledge of Natural Law, the intelligence that governs the universe.
Based on the ancient Veda and Vedic Literature which has been maintained in India, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation program, has in this generation formulated a wide-ranging science and technology called Maharishi Vedic Science.
Maharishi Vedic Science has far-reaching and effective applications in many fields, including education, government, defense, health, management, economics, agriculture, and architecture.
Transcendental Meditation • An ancient Vedic technique revived for the modern age. Transcendental Meditation gives the experience of transcendental consciousness, a fourth state of consciousness beyond and distinct from the waking, dreaming, and sleep states of consciousness. Transcendental consciousness is characterized by deep restfullness combined with a high level of alertness. It is pure consciousness, and, since all areas of life have consciousness in common, experience of this state of consciousness develops all areas of life. This is the basic value of life, and also the basic value of Veda or pure knowledge. It is thus the foundation of Maharishi Vedic Science.
Books by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi • • Books by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation program, on his Vedic Science and its applications to various fields of human life.
Maharishi Vedic Science Thesaurus • • An online index to all areas of Maharishi Vedic Science, and to organizations teaching the Transcendental Meditation technique and offering of Maharishi Vedic Science programs.
Maharishi International University,
Fairfield, Iowa • •
• My alma mater. Students, faculty, and staff all practice
Transcendental Meditation and other Vedic
technologies, and are familiar with Vedic Science in its modern revival,
Maharishi Vedic Science. This educational approach is called
Consciousness-Based Education, which develops and unifies the three aspects
of knowledge: the knower, the process of knowing, and the known. MIU
offers degree and non-degree programs in a wide range of arts and sciences,
at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. (Formerly Maharishi University
of Management.)
The Department of Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa • • The department offers the following degree programs in Maharishi Vedic Science:
- B.A. degree program in Maharishi Vedic Science
- M.A. degree program in Maharishi Vedic Science
- Ph.D. degree program in Maharishi Vedic Science
Explore the ancient wisdom of Vedic Science, and its modern revival, Maharishi Vedic Science. Discover the relationship of ancient Vedic Science with modern sciences. Learn to read Vedic Literature in Sanskrit, the language of Nature. Enjoy growth in the blissful, coherent atmosphere of a university dedicated to development of consciousness.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh, India • • Undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate programs (Praman Patra, Shastri, and Acharya) in Maharishi Vedic Science (Maharishi Ved Vigyan) and Vedic technologies (Jyotish, Yoga, Vastu Vidya, Svasthya Vidhan). Programs are available at the main campus at the geographic center (Brahamastan) of India in Madhya Pradesh, and through distance education throughout India.
Vedic Literature in Sanskrit at Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa • • Complete texts of all 40 branches of Veda and Vedic Literature in the original Sanskrit, in downloadable PDF files. Reading the Vedic Literature in sequence is a marvelous procedure which complements the practice of Transcendental Meditation. Reading the Vedic Literature trains the brain and the speech so that thoughts and actions are spontaneously more fulfilling. This site also includes a synopsis of the relationship of each branch of Veda and Vedic Literature with the human physiology, as discovered by Rājā Nader Raam and detailed in the book described below.
Discovery of the Veda and Vedic Literature in the Human Physiology, by Mahārājā Rājā Raam • • A groundbreaking discovery of correspondences between the 40 branches of the Veda and Vedic Literature, and the human physiology. This discovery was guided by the profound insights into the ancient Vedic Literature brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in this generation. Together, these findings show that the physiology is the manifestation of the supreme wisdom of life, which establishes individual and national consciousness on the level of Cosmic Life. Maharishi has honored the author, Dr. Tony Nader, as Mah#x0101;rāj;ā Rājā Raam, the First Sovereign Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.
Vedic Literature at MIU Press • • Vedic Literature in books and recordings from Maharishi International University Press. Includes Bhagavad Gītā: all 18 chapters in Sanskrit, and Maharishi’s translation and commentatry on the first 6 chapters; six Darśhanas in Sanskrit: Nyāya, Vaiśheṣhika, Sāmkhya, Yoga, Karma Mīmāmsā, and Vedānta Sūtras; recordings of Vedic recitation; and Dr. Thomas Egenes’s system for learning Devanāgarī, the Sanskrit alphabet.
Sanskrit Texts and Stotras • • A variety of Vedic Literature in both Sanskrit and English translation, in downloadable PDF files. Includes Bhagavad Gītā, Devī Māhātmyam, all of the Sahasranāma Stotras, audio recordings of Vedic recitation, and other items. Maintained by Dale Steinhauser.
The Bhagavad Gītā in HTML form
Indic scripts
Other Asian scripts
- Fairfield romanization
- IAST romanization
- Hunterian romanization
- Harvard-Kyoto romanization
- ITrans romanization
- National Library at Kolkata romanization
- SLP1 romanization
- Velthuis romanization
The Bhagavad Gītā in the original Sanskrit in various Indian and Asian scripts, Latin romanizations, and Cyrillic. The text follows the MIU Press version (1998, now out of print), without translation or commentary. Each verse is on one line; there are no blank lines between verses. • The Bhagavad Gītā contains all the Vedic wisdom in a compact package. It is a dialog between Kṛiṣhṇa, an embodiment of the Divine, and Arjuna, a warrior faced with a difficult decision. During this dialog, Kṛiṣhṇa raises Arjuna from ignorance to enlightenment, and gives him profound understanding and a beautiful vision of the Cosmic Form.
The Indic and Asian scripts in the above pages are best viewed with Noto fonts, developed by Google. • The VedaPad romanization was converted to the other scripts and romanizations with Akshara Bridge.
The Bhagavad Gītā in PDF form
VedaTeX version
• Made with Akshara Bridge, Mahoreg Vedic
2006 font from VedaPad, VedaTeX, and VTeX •
PDF 100K
Unicode Devanagari
version • Made with Akshara Bridge, Praja font, and
Libre Office
PDF 200K
A special edition of the Bhagavad Gītā in Sanskrit, in Devanagari script. The text follows the MIU Press version (1998, now out of print), without romanization, translation, or commentary. These files follow several conventions present in ancient manuscripts:
- The text is in navy blue.
- Everything else is in red.
- The document is in landscape mode.
- Each verse is on one line.
- There are no blank lines between verses.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi • • Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is widely regarded as the foremost scientist in the field of consciousness, and considered to be the greatest teacher in the world today. Read more about the founder of Maharishi Vedic Science and other Maharishi programs.
Swāmī Brahmānanda Saraswatī • One of the greatest holy men of India, who lived 1868 to 1953, and who, through silence and a few words, sparked a revival of the ancient Vedic knowledge in our age.
Tat Wale Baba • • An embodiment of the highest spiritual values who lived about 1890 to 1974. It is said that he did not speak or preach much but simply radiated that about which others preach. This site is an online photo biography.
Śhaṅkara • A great spiritual leader and teacher in India about 2500 years ago, renowned for combining deep devotion with sharp intellect.
Dandamis • A famous recluse in India in the fourth century B.C. who met Alexander.
Information for computing and printing a Vedic Calendar, for most places in the world.
Software for displaying and typing Devanāgarī, including information about Unicode and online Devanāgarī editors. Devanāgarī is the traditional alphabet for writing Sanskrit and certain other Indian languages.
Vedic Mathematics is the mathematics of the ancient Vedic tradition of India. The Vedic tradition is an all-encompassing field of knowledge that is currently being revived through Maharishi Vedic Science. Vedic Mathematics has many definitions and many aspects, ranging from the governing intelligence of the universe to the familiar procedures of practical calculation.
Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Defence—Sovereignty in Invincibility • • A 668-page book by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation program. This book describes how the principles of modern science and Maharishi Vedic Science can be used to create invincibility for any individual and any nation. It contains 90 pages on Maharishi Vedic Mathematics and 33 pages on modern mathematics. • In this book, Maharishi describes Vedic Mathematics as the mathematics of the Veda, the mathematics of the governing intelligence of the universe, which calculates instantly, without steps, in a way which is both orderly and evolutionary, on the level of wholeness rather than parts.
of Published Sources by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Mathematics,
including modern mathematics and Vedic mathematics
• Summaries of sections of publications and press
conferences in which Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has addressed any subject in
modern or Vedic mathematics.
• Revised 9 November 2014.
Is Consciousness a
• How Maharishi Vedic Mathematics resolves problems in the
foundations and philosophy of mathematics. Based on my Masters thesis for a
degree in Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi International University.
• Revised 8 January 2005.
Dr. Narinder Puri
and Dr. Michael Weinless on Vedic Mathematics
• Three articles about Drs. Puri and Weinless endorsing the
use of the sūtras of Vedic Mathematics, and its connection to the
development of consciousness, as described by Maharishi Vedic Science. Includes “Vedic
Mathematics: The Cosmic Software For The Cosmic Computer”, a paper
presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual
Conference, Chicago, IL, 1988.
Vedic Mathematics Academy • • One of several sites on the system of calculation known as Vedic Mathematics, or Sūtra-Based Computation. This system is based on 16 sūtras or aphorisms and was first published in 1965 by Swāmī Bhāratī Kṛiṣhṇa Tīrtha, Śhaṅkarāchārya of Govardhan Maṭh, Puri, in the east of India. This system uses sūtras and alternative methods of calculation to do arithmetic and other calculations in a way which is easier, more creative, and more enjoyable. This site is aimed at those interested in learning this system, for home or classroom study.
Institute for the Advancement of Vedic Mathematics • • Another site for the sūtra-based system of Vedic Mathematics. This site is promotes research into and adoption of this system, through courses, seminars, workshops, lectures, and conferences.
Vedic Ganita • • The work of Dr. Sant Kumar Kapoor in the revival of Vedic Mathematics (Vedic Ganita) and Vedic Geometry, with Ṛg Veda as the source of Vedic knowledge, and the Gaṇita Sūtra as an auxiliary body of knowledge.
Sūtras of Vedic Mathematics • The 16 sūtras and 16 upasūtras, in Sanskrit and in English translation by Swāmī Bhāratī Kṛiṣhṇa Tīrtha. An alternative system of calculation using these sūtras is outlined in Swāmī Bhāratī’s book Vedic Mathematics. The sūtras can be applied to any branch of mathematics to make it easier and more rewarding.